Home News How We See SEO Evolving in 2020

How We See SEO Evolving in 2020

What Is The Future Of SEO?

Sydney SEO packages are designed to determined the amount of resources you need for your website. SEO or search engine optimisation is one field that is constantly changing and growing. This is due to the fact that it is dependent on the Google algorithm and Google is always working on and improving its algorithm to improve its search engine results. Now, if you are doing SEO or plan to do SEO in the future, then it is imperative that you keep up with these changes if you want your website to continue to rank. We will now take a look at where SEO is headed and what you can expect.

First of all, Google is known to not be fond of SEOs, so they are constantly tweaking their algorithm to find websites run by SEOs who are trying to game their algorithm. This will definitely continue this into the future and it is important that you change your mindset from being an SEO and trying to outsmart Google. Instead, you should work with Google, pay close attention to what they want and strive to optimise your website so it meets their requirements. Once you continuously do this, your website or websites will have a much higher chance of remaining penalty free and continue to receive free search engine traffic.

Next, Google has started placing emphasis on expertise, authority and trust and this will continue to become more important in the future. Basically, they want to ensure that their visitors are getting information from websites that are written by experts or people who are qualified to do so in that niche. So, for example, if you have a fitness website, then you should hire a couple of personal trainers, sports specialists etc to write for your site. Be sure to include an author box and a short bio of them at the end of each page so that both Google and your readers can see that the information was written by an expert in that field.

Thirdly, voice search is another trend that is growing and will continue to grow. This is due to the fact that many people are buying voice controlled devices such as Google Dot, Echo, Amazon Fire stick etc. As a result, they are not typing in their search queries but actually saying them. So, it is highly recommended that you optimise your site for voice search by optimising it for keywords that people actually speak. If you get on this trend, you will definitely get a head start on your competition.

Lastly, the final trend that we will look at is the weight of social media engagement. Basically, legitimate businesses have social media pages and if your site doesn’t have one, then this is quite usual. Also, if you do have a social media page and there is no user engagement on your page, then this is also a red flag for search engines. As a result, you should not only work on your site but also get traffic to your social media pages. This will help you to grow your audience as well as boost your SEO rankings.

In closing, we have just looked at a couple of future SEO trends. If you want to learn more about future trends, be sure to keep track by checking industry blogs and popular SEO social media accounts on a regular basis.

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