Home News How To Reline Pipes With Epoxy Resin Restoration

How To Reline Pipes With Epoxy Resin Restoration


When it comes to pipe relining, you have a lot of options. A non-destructive solution is a better way by far is to use commercial pipe relining Sydney that will reline the existing pipes rather than replacing them. The most popular is epoxy resin because it’s easy to use and has some great benefits. If you’re considering lining your pipes with epoxy resin, here’s everything you need to know:

What Is Pipe Relining

  • Pipe relining is a process to repair or replace a pipe.
  • Relining is a less expensive alternative to replacing a pipe.
  • Relining is more environmentally friendly than traditional methods of pipe repair or replacement, as it does not require the use of chemicals or solvents in the process of removing and disposing of old pipe materials.
  • Lastly, there’s no need for excavating when relining pipes which makes it much faster and easier than traditional methods of repairing or replacing pipes.

Why Do You Need to Reline Pipes

There are several reasons you may need to re-line your pipes. Some of the most common include:

  • Preventing flooding and water damage
  • Preventing mold growth and infection
  • Preventing health issues, such as asthma and allergies
  • Reducing fire risk by preventing the buildup of combustible materials (such as dust) inside your home’s walls or ceilings.

How Is Epoxy Resin Applied to the Pipe

First, remove the pipe from its location. Next, clean and dry the pipe to ensure it is free of dirt, grime, grease and other contaminants that could affect the epoxy resin’s adhesion. After drying the pipe with compressed air or a blow-dryer (not hot), sand its exterior surface with 150-grit steel wool until shiny and smooth.

Next, prepare a work area where you can mix your epoxy resin base coat material with hardener according to manufacturer instructions on a disposable surface such as newspaper or paper towels. The number of coats required will depend on how thick you want your finished coating to be; however, most pipes only require one coat when using this method of restoration because they will not see much wear over time once re-installed into their original positions in walls or flooring systems.

Once you have prepared your work area and mixed together equal parts base coat material and hardener according to manufacturer recommendations for curing times (usually 24 hours), apply an even layer onto one side of each piece being repaired—ensuring both sides are coated evenly but carefully avoiding drips onto any other part of them—and let cure for 24 hours before applying additional layers if necessary

The Benefits of Relining Pipes With Epoxy Resin

  • Removing old epoxy resin and relining pipes with new epoxy resin is a great way to extend the life of your pipes.
  • Epoxy resin is a great way to fix leaks in pipes, making them leak-proof once again.
  • Epoxy resin is also excellent at fixing corroded pipes, restoring them back to their former glory while preventing further corrosion from occurring on the inside of your pipe walls as well as on their surface (which could lead to leaks).
  • Finally, epoxy resin can even be used to repair broken pipes by sealing up cracks and holes with its thick adhesive properties and filling in any gaps that may have appeared due to wear and tear over time (such as when you accidentally hit them with your car).

Tips on Hiring a Professional To Reline a Pipe

Hiring a professional for this job is highly recommended, especially if you don’t have the time or tools to do it yourself. A professional will have all the right equipment, so they can get the job done quickly and easily. They’ll also be certified, which means they have a good reputation in their community and are known for their excellent customer service.

In addition to these points, look for someone who has experience working with epoxy resin restoration on pipes; this will ensure that your pipe is properly lined when all is said and done.

If you want to reline your pipes, you need to do it right.

If a pipe in your home is leaking, it’s best to hire someone to fix it right away. That way, you don’t have to worry about the damage that could be done by a leaky pipe and you can also know for sure that the issue will be taken care of.

To find the right professional for the job, look at their website or call them directly to get more information about their services. You should ask about how long they have been in business and what certifications they might have earned along with their training experience. It is also important for them to show up on time for appointments as well as answer any questions that come up throughout the process so there is no miscommunication between both parties involved during this project from start until completion!


Fixing your pipes with epoxy resin is one of the best ways to save money and time. This method has been proven over time and will last much longer than traditional methods like relining with cement or even replacing the entire pipe. If you have any questions about how to do this yourself or would like a professional opinion on whether it’s right for your home or business, reach out today! We’re happy to help.