Home News 5 Proven Ways To Do Keyword Research

5 Proven Ways To Do Keyword Research


Now that we’ve covered some of the basics of SEO, including on-page and off-page optimization, it’s time to talk about one of the most important factors in an SEO campaign: keyword research. Knowing what keywords people search for can open up a world of opportunity for your business, but it requires a bit more effort than just throwing up some posts on your blog. So this week we’ll go over some proven ways to do effective keyword research and get started with a successful SEO campaign. Nowadays even a freelance SEO consultant Sydney can be successful in his SEO campaign.

Understand Your Audience’s Intent

Understanding your target audience’s intent is the first step in keyword research. Knowing what keywords people are searching for gives you more context about how to engage with them and how to provide insight into their problems.

Keyword tools allow you to see what keywords people search for, where they’re searching them, and in some cases how much traffic a specific keyword gets. This data can help you tailor your content strategy around these terms so that it’s aligned with what your audience wants—and then get found by this audience when they do a search.

Research Keywords Using Google Ads

Google Adwords is a free service from Google that lets you create ads for search engines and other places across the web. This tool is great for marketers because it gives you insights into what people are searching for (and clicking on), which can help inform your keyword research efforts.

  • You’ll see which keywords have high traffic volume, low competition and high conversion rates.
  • You’ll know how much others are bidding on keywords so you don’t overpay for expensive terms.

Identify Low Competition Keywords

In order to find low competition keywords, you will want to use a combination of tools. You can do this by:

  • Using Google AdWords Keyword Planner
  • Using Google Trends
  • Using Google Autocomplete
  • Using Google Search Console
  • Using Correlate (a keyword tool from Ahrefs) You can also use Google Search Suggestions if you want to find long tail keywords that are not being used as much as other keywords in the same category

Use Google Autocomplete To Uncover New Keywords

Google Autocomplete is a great tool for keyword research. You can use it to discover new keywords, long tail keywords, related keywords, and similar keywords.

  • Use Google Autocomplete To Uncover New Keywords: Enter a topic or keyword into the search bar and then start typing in order to see what comes up in the autocomplete box. For example, if you type “how do I …?” into your browser’s search bar followed by “make money online…” Google will give you suggestions like “How do I make money online fast?” To get even more results (and variation), try adding other words like “make money on YouTube…” or “make money with my blog…” This technique works especially well if there are many similar questions asked about how someone can do something specific online — such as how people make money blogging or how they make money online fast — because each search term has its own set of related questions that have been asked before.

Use Free Tools And Extensions To Research Long Tail Keywords

You can also use free tools and extensions to research long tail keywords.

  • Google Keyword Planner: This is a great tool for keyword research, especially if you’re looking to conduct broad searches. It allows users to search for related keywords and view search volume data, competition levels, and more.
  • Ubersuggest: This tool helps you find potential long tail keywords by using an algorithm that will suggest a large number of variations based on what terms are most similar to the one entered in your initial search query. It allows users from five to ten variations per word (the higher the number of variations, the more accurate your results).
  • Google Trends: The Google Trends tool allows users to see how often specific phrases have been searched over time as well as where they originated geographically (useful if you’re trying to get an idea of how popular certain phrases are among people in different parts of the world).

Do your keyword research before writing content, and do it thoroughly.

  • Do your keyword research before writing content, and do it thoroughly.
  • Keyword research is a critical part of content marketing.
  • It’s not just about finding keywords: it’s about understanding your audience’s intent and creating new insights for your brand.
  • Keyword research involves identifying low competition keywords that you can rank for in the top search results for each industry (or niche).


In the end, your keyword research should be done before you write a single word of content. This will allow you to determine which keywords are relevant and how many searches they get each month. It will also help you identify long tail keywords that are less likely to be used by other websites so that you can use them in your title tags and meta descriptions without fear of competing with other sites. Heliumseo.com.au can identify related keywords for your niche and add it to keywords that you want to rank.